Nice to 'see' you. I received a friendly reprimand from a good friend the other day (you know who you are) on my lack of blogging as of late. I'm feeling motivated again - hence the new look. Life is going to be leveling out soon - in a sense. So with that, and with some of the changes that have happened in me over the last months, this blog may start to look a bit different. Less of what I'm doing, and more of what I'm thinking. Hopefully it has value. One of the things that has discouraged me from really articulating my opinions and philosophies here is the pure volume of opinion available on the internet. The incredible spike in volume of information has resulted in the direct reaction of an incredible drop in the quality of "literature," so to speak. The arrival of the internet has given a voice to millions of people all over the globe who would not have had a voice at any other time in history. The question I have is if we actually have a voice, or if it just perceived. How many bloggers are there on the internet who nobody reads? Books could be written, and have, about some of the ideas I'm touching on so I won't try to expound any further, but the point I'm trying to make is that is some of the journey I've been moving through in regards to the blog. However - it is simply selfish to let my own trivial emotional issues affect my activity here, because there are people who are interested in my life and maybe even my opinions on life. I'll get more into that thought a little later.
Anyways, so all that to say I hope to re-ignite this blog, and do a much better job keeping up with it. It really doesn't take much energy. I'm sure I've said this before, probably right before I went black for 6 months or something ridiculous.
I'll give you a bit of a window into where I'm at: The last few months at Welcome Bay Church were... in a word... a nightmare. I won't dwell on the negative, but from many objective viewpoints the whole experience was a complete failure. It was undoubtedly the hardest eight months of my life to date. But it was worth every second of it for the lessons that I learned about myself, life, and community. Part of my lack of blog activity was directly related to that. I would sit down with the intention to write, and just have nothing to say. But I'm motivated today - I'm entering a new season of life, and perhaps that is accompanied by a new season of blog activity. I'm also thinking I'll start doing a little music and book reviewing, we'll see how that goes.
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